Improving your pubg mobile sensitivity offers much help in improving the aiming skill. Showing the crosshair is the main part to win in shooting battle games like PUBG and call of duty mobile. Therefore, here we have presented the correct measures to improve aiming through adjusting sensitivity and improve your gameplay significantly.
Chinese Pro Player Pubg Mobile Sensitivity Settings
Suitable to iPad players.
Camera Sensitivity iPad Details:
(Affects the sensitivity of the camera when the screen is swiped without firing.)
3rd Person No Scope 132%
1st Person No Scope 133%
Red Dot, Holographic, Aim Assist 36
2x Scope 36%
3x Scope 26%
4x Scope, VSS 25%
6x Scope 12%
8x Scope 10%

Camera Sensitivity
ADS Sensitivity For iPad Details:
(Affects the sensitivity of the camera when the screen is swiped while firing. Can be used T Keep the Barrel Down)
3rd Person No Scope 132%
1st Person No Scope 133%
Red Dot, Holographic, Aim Assist 24
2x Scope 36%
3x Scope 27%
4x Scope, VSS 25%
6x Scope 22%
8x Scope 22%

ADS Sensitivity
PRO Customize Claw Control Setting